Creative Annual Function Ideas For Primary School

Cute Little Kids Performing On The Stage During Their Annual Day Celebrations.

Celebrate Annual Functions With Pomp

Annual functions are an extravagant event celebrated by every school. It is a lot of work for the teachers and principals to organize the whole event. It is a demanding situation where the school needs to showcase its best. With more and more reality shows, award functions and other events showcased on TV channels raising the norms and production values of such functions, the organizers are feeling the pinch to make annual functions better than the best.

One easy and effective way to conduct an annual function is to bind it with a theme. It is easy because the function can be organized around it. The event starting from the stage decoration to the cultural programs can be planned based on the theme. The theme can be based on anything that brings creative satisfaction for the whole school. It can be a collation of various ideas to form a theme. The theme can be inspired by current events or local culture or the geography. It can be a complex thought process or even simple as it gets. A few annual function ideas for primary school are discussed here.

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Creative Themes For Annual Function

For primary schools, the themes can be creative and colorful. You can have a theme woven around nature. It can be the colors of the rainbow, the nine planets, twelve months and seven days. You can have the stage and venue decorated in this theme easily. Another theme that can be easily organized is the local culture. Whichever state you belong to does not matter here, you are going to showcase the facets of different cultures from each state. Showcasing different personalities can be another interesting annual function idea for primary school. It is a brilliant theme where the school can easily come up with drama and dance inspired from their lives.

Dance Performance By Kindergarden Kids During Annual Day Celebrations.

The nine rasas or navarasa is another interesting theme for annual functions. The function can be woven around each rasas displaying the various forms and emotions. You can have multiple themes based on Indian geography. It can be the rivers of India, mountain ranges around the world, different languages, art and dance firms around the world. Indian culture and values can also be portrayed as a theme. You can take mythology or folk tales to make this theme applicable. Portray the importance of peace, unity, harmony and the concept of God is one.

Themes That Can Inspire

Have themes that can inspire the young minds. Let the story of our freedom struggle be part of the theme. Showcase how India has changed in the post independence era. You can also have the transformation of humans from ape to man as a theme. Fundamentals of a progressive society can be a good, inspiring and an educative theme. You can feature dances and skits around non-violence, democracy, power of people and the strength of the press. Celebrate womanhood as a theme for the annual function. Showcase lives of powerful, great women like Indira Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Rani Laxmi Bai.

Themes can be woven around different religions. You can have dance and dramas from various deities like Ram, Allah and Jesus and also cover saints, prophets and poets. Conclude that all divine power points in one direction which is God and that God is one . Showcase society as a theme. The good and bad must be portrayed like a mirror to those who are watching. Issues like caste, child labour, dowry and more can be bought to life on the stage and as props around the venue. Other interesting themes are showcasing a day in school, history, seven deadly sins, human life, mother and children’s world.

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