Tag: Kindergarden Education

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Teaching Methodologies To Hone Young Minds

Young mind is like a sponge it absorbs everything that comes its way. Children want to learn and present everything in the fun way. They also have the desire to share their knowledge. The best teachers are those who motivate children through curiosity and eagerness to learn. Motivation …

Montessori’s Educational Philosophy

Institution Montessori gives education through the education system.Bu system is not student-centered but teacher-centered.It is student-centered.It is able to discover the talents of the child and to develop according to his interests. Montessori’s educational philosophy is very different from traditional understanding because of the child’s point of view. …

Children’s Recognition Techniques

Observation -Vacuum A record -Sosyometr the -Mülakat -Picture interpretation -Individually guidance -School-family cooperation Days of the week: Monday, toy day (share with friends bring a toy he wanted at home) Tuesday; book day Wednesday, a surprise day (cake to share by parents, nuts, fruit .. sent) Thursday, drama …